
Showing posts from 2010

Ultra Lossless Compression Using UhArC 0.6vb

Here I will show you how to compress a game for example using DOS Version of UhArC .It took me a long time to figure out its commands. I will be compressing Counterstrike 1.6. Here is the original Folder Size: Step 1: Download the Attachment or download from the below Link. Step 2: Extract All the files to ~SystemDrive\Documents & Settings\Current User(Or the Current CommandPrompt find which is it just open Command Prompt i.e Accessories>>CmdPrmpt) Step 3: Now Open Command Prompt by typing CMD in the RUN Dialog box. Step 4: Type UHARC For its commands.(Not Required just for ur info) Step 5: Now the Compression command .Note this command has been edited to provide max compression.Paste it in the Command Prompt.   Code:                 uharc a -r+ -ed- -pr -m3 -mm+ -md+ -md32768 -b4096 cs16 "D:\Counterstrike 1.6...

Give ur USB a background Image!!!!

 Its works  for Xp user only Copy this code to ur text editor,then save it as "desktop.ini"   Code: [.ShellClassInfo] IconFile=%SystemRoot%\system32\SHELL32.dll IconIndex=127 ConfirmFileOp=0 [{BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}] Attributes=1 IconArea_Image="your_picture.jpg" IconArea_Text="0xFFFFFF" VeBRA sources - don't delete the tag above, it's there for XXXXX purposes - [ExtShellFolderViews] {BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC}={BE098140-A513-11D0-A3A4-00C04FD706EC} {5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}={5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262} [{5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}] PersistMoniker=Folder.htt PersistMonikerPreview=%WebDir%\folder.bmp __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __ ( Note in :IconArea_Image="your_picture.jpg" enter the name of your picture.) 2.Put "desktop.ini and your_picture.jpg in ur USB Drive then Hidde...

How to prevent your pen drive from getting infected with Virus

Friends many of your PC/laptop's normally gets virus because of Pen Drives or USB devices (Even PC's who are not connected to network ). Some Virus like Ravmon Virus , Heap41a worm which are not detected by anti virus normally spreads mostly by the Pen Drives . In such a case what can you do to prevent your PC from getting infected with Virus that spreads through USB devices or Pen Drives ? You can protect your PC by just following the simple steps below . It won't take much time. * Connect your Pen Drive or USB drive to your computer . * Now a dialogue window will popup asking you to choose among the options as shown in the figure. * Don't choose any of them , Just simply click Cancel . * Now go to Start--> Run and type cmd to open the Command Promt window . * Now go to My Computer and Check the Drive letter of your USB drive or Pen Drive. ( E.g. If it is written Kingston (I , then I: will be the drive letter .) * In the Command Window ( cmd ) ...